A busy fussy week comes to a close, and all I can think of is how I can't wait to hole up and get some creative work done. I have lunch plans for Saturday, then no appointments or anything until Wednesday, which has a few. In between, I intend to close all doors & avenues to the outside world (except brief strolls through the internet, and maybe a few walks in the real world if the weather's nice), and get some serious work done. I have a very interesting multi-part large-ish project that I just got to skim the top of this week. And there's a big batch of story words sloshing around in my head that I'll need to let out some time soon, too. Hopefully the head will cooperate now that I can sit and try to crank. This week's headaches have mostly hung out constant and unresponsive to meds (pretty typical), but also at the "will keep me off my A-game, but not away from work altogether" level. Which these days I'll take.
See you on the other side of it all. But until then, unless it's an emergency, piss off! And have a great weekend!
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ANGI SHEARSTONEauthor / artist rambles on about painting, writing, cats, punk rock, vampires, ska-core, mTBI, comics, and life in general. ARCHIVES
January 2024