I'm sick today and I don't want today's post to be about being sick but it'll probably end up being that anyway so why fight it. I don't get sick a lot, and when I do, I tend to jump on it with lots of vitamins, sleep, and enough fluids that I slosh when I walk. My illnesses don't usually survive long after that.
And that's what I did Sunday, after Saturday afternoon & evening saw my head slowly turning into a snot factory. I sat in bed Sunday, fooled around on the laptop a bit, and whined online until a friend delivered some DayQuil and my favorite tea that I had run out of. I also went through about half a box of tissues. I buy maybe 2 or 3 boxes of tissues a year, and about 95% of them get used in one of two separate 24-hour stretches, months apart. That regular routine worked out pretty well; I woke up Monday feeling like the worst of it was over, and, with a few swigs of DayQuil, I got a lot done. Not quite everything, but a lot. I expected Tuesday to go at least as well, if not better. But Tuesday did not go as well. Tuesday had gone to germ land for reinforcements. It returned to attack with a major brain fog & fatigue. I ended up canceling meeting with a friend/client and sleeping most of the afternoon. When evening rolled by I still wasn't even on the ball enough to watch TV. Today was slightly better, but I'm fading fast. It's aggravating, because the actual cold symptoms are minimal or gone. So meds either won't help or aren't helping. On the positive side, the cats LOVE the extra bedtime. I'm much more fun to them when I'm not moving around and trying to get things done. Also, I get to see what sort of oddball results come up in my free stock image search for "sick." Yeah, that looks like raw chicken & a glass of, I don't know, a dirty martini? And they're cutting the chicken with a butter knife? The title of the image is "healthy food." I think not. But what to do I know? I'm sick.
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ANGI SHEARSTONEauthor / artist rambles on about painting, writing, cats, punk rock, vampires, ska-core, mTBI, comics, and life in general. ARCHIVES
January 2024